From WordPress to Headless
Headless systems are the future, and they are rapidly gaining ground on traditional platforms like WordPress. Why? Because they give businesses the freedom to innovate quickly, flexibly, and without constraints. No more fuss with fixed themes or heavy plugins – just pure power to scale and adapt your digital strategies as desired. Let’s dive in!
Why we choose Headless
The setup for businesses that want to grow.
Headless systems are winning on G2 with top ratings in setup, support, and innovation – and rightly so! They offer a flexible, modular architecture without the hassle of plugins or themes. Plus, with excellent documentation and an active community, you're always well-supported. While WordPress often struggles with its past, headless ensures that your digital strategy is always future-proof. In short: headless is the turbo for your website!
- Flexibel contentmodel
- Headless systemen bieden een flexibel contentmodel waarmee gebruikers eigen structuren kunnen maken zonder vast te zitten aan sjablonen. Dit is ideaal voor teams die complexe contentrelaties willen opbouwen, in tegenstelling tot WordPress, dat afhankelijk is van plugins voor maatwerk.
- Real-time samenwerking
- Headless systemen bieden real-time samenwerking, zodat teams gelijktijdig aan content kunnen werken met live updates. Ze stellen teams ook in staat om aangepaste redactieworkflows in te stellen, wat meer controle biedt dan de standaard contentflow van WordPress.
- Schaalbaarheid
- De headless CMS-architectuur is ontworpen voor schaalbaarheid, waardoor grote hoeveelheden content en hoog verkeer eenvoudig verwerkt kunnen worden zonder prestatieproblemen.
- Prestaties
- Ontwikkelaars hebben meer flexibiliteit om de prestaties te optimaliseren, in tegenstelling tot WordPress, dat trager kan worden door complexe plugins en thema's.
"We outgrew our WordPress setup. With our headless system, we can now switch much faster!"
Founder - Rough Agenda
Kelvin Newman
The comparison
Headless systems, such as Sanity in this example, score better on G2 than WordPress when it comes to flexibility, innovation, and support. They offer a modular architecture that doesn't require dependency on plugins or themes, making them easier to adapt to changing needs. Additionally, the strong community and extensive documentation provide excellent support. Unlike WordPress, which often adheres to backward compatibility, headless systems continuously innovate, allowing businesses to remain future-proof and respond more quickly to digital trends.